Primary school and secondary school.
Marker School has two departments; primary school and secondary school providing education for 1. through 10. grade.
Phone : 69 81 05 00.
Web :

The nearest upper secondary school (further education) is located in Mysen; Mysen videregående skole (Mysen Upper Secondary School).
Phone : 69 84 6 100.
Web : / .

For more information on other upper secondary schools (further education) contact Østfold fylkeskommune (Østfold County Administration).
Phone : 69 11 70 00 .
Web : / .

University College.
Østfold University College (Høgskolen i Østfold) offers more than 60 subjects of study at three regional cities - Fredrikstad, Halden and Sarpsborg.
Phone : 69 21 50 00 .
Web : / .